Attos' MagazineVolume #59, Oct/2009 |
We Are All NecessaryBy AttosAn essay where the validity of the sentence: "nobody is indispensable" is seriously questioned and further considered a hazardous and seriously damaging sentence to be told to a person. Visit the updated ads-free version at Imagine what you would feel if, all of a sudden you would become acquainted with, let's suppose, by the news in television and newspapers, that it has been discovered that the way we live has been artificially crafted. Now, imagine what you would feel if, a little while afterwards you would also get to know that the only reason why somebody could have conceived such a fabrication was nothing than greed and economical reasons. Well, something like that, of that size, is what is actually happening right in front of our noses. It seems incredible, isn't it? It also seemed to me hard to believe for many years. I lived my life as any other normal human being -well, almost normal-, working and going to school as we all are supposed to do. I also had a family and a house as also we are supposed to. Although I occasionally saw here and there, in magazine front covers usually of striking red color or utmost eye-catching yellow, displays advertising things such as somebody discovered how to produce electric energy out of nothing, or somebody had found how to make an engine run on water, or -get this!- somebody had built an antigravity ship which replicated the way UFO's fly. I never believed it.
My lack of interest was, perhaps, much due to the attractive colors of the magazines in which such adds were displayed. Magazines considered alarmist and yellow -not to mention that at least some of them were actually yellow colored-, morbid, or ultimately false and absurd. So, how could one belive such things? On the other hand, while I devoted myself to live my life, constantly trying, although generally uselessly, to appear as a normal person -how tiring that was!-, there was frequently something that would make me wonder if, in fact, everything there was in my life was all there was going to be until the day I died. Everything around me and everything I could see was telling me yes. It told me it was all. But something inside me refused to accept it. I had not reason to think automobiles could be flying instead of moving on wheels, or to suppose we could travel to the other side of the world in less than a second, or to believe we could use the sun's heat to produce cold, instead of just frying our brains every summer season -particularly in the city I live, where summer heat reaches 52 degrees Celsius. Despite the conclusively convincing the facts around me appeared to be, something kept ringing in my head from time to time: "Was it true there was nothing else?" The true and real answer has allways been: yes!. Yes, there is more. Much more!. Much more than what we see!. Much more than what we have been tought to believe there exists. Moreover, much more than what we have been tought to believe is possible! But, you will suppose -as I did during a long time- that all these technologies were surely being studied and developed by advanced research institutions, with millionare budgets and sophisticated equipment, with personnel so highly educated that the foolest among them would hold a PhD degree; utmost advanced places where things under examination were far beyond what our wildest imagination could comprehend in an additional pair of lives ahead; places located away from public sight, well hidden at the North Pole or under the Arctic Ocean; places where the most brilliant minds on Earth were recruited -sometimes against their will. Won't you? What person who has wondered the same thing, has not imagined something similar?
I doubt not there is laboratories like that. I am sure, however, what they are doing is not for the benefit of humankind at large. Perhaps they are investigating how can we get to Mars and raise martian chicken. But, why to investigate that while there are many other things that could help people in a more immediate manner and which would require far less investment? You tell me, is it to anybody's immediate benefit to know what the origin of the universe is? Do you know of anybody who really needs to know whether there is or not water in Mars? Tell me the truth. Do we really need to know that in this moment? I agree those are interesting things to know which can improve our knowledge of the universe and surely they will serve a practical purpose in the future, but isn't it more urgent to find a way to make our soil produce more product per acre? Not only we need to know that. We also need to know how to do it without negatively so much affecting our environment. Isn't it more urgent to find ways of transporting our goods without having to pay so much for it both economically and environmentally? Isn't it more urgent to find ways to produce electricity affordably and widely to make it available to everybody? Isn't it more urgent to find ways of communicating with each other without having to pay such a high price, and without contaminating our environment with such an enormous amount of electromagnetic waves? Maybe what we pay for all these "satisfactors" might not seem excessive to many of us but that is only because we can afford them. If we take a random sample of people from around the world we will see that, almost none of them, has any access to any of these things I just mentioned. None!! The vast majority of the people in the world does not have a way to freely communicate with the person they want without having to walk long distances. It has been tought to us that communication is a luxury, not a right. Why? Because it is expensive. And, why is it expensive? Because the currently available technology is expensive!! The vast majority of the people have to pay more than half their daily earning to buy, two punds of tomatoes!! We have been led to believe food is worth what it costs in the store, while, in reality, food is worth the same as a human life!! How much does a human life is worth? Does it have a price? No! It does not have a price! It has not! Do you understand what I am saying? A human life does not have a price! Allow me to explain: something that does not have a price, does not necessarily costs a lot...something not having a price means it is not related to any economical value, Do you understand?. It has been said to us, so many times, that everything has an economical value that we have come to forget that the essence of our own life is the other's life. It was ourselves, as human beings that we are, who invented the concept of "economical value" and now that very concept we apply it to ourselves!! Do you realize the absurdity of this? Nowadays, the technology available to us, only this time in conspiracy with the utmost immoral practices of "free market", is what keeps the majority of the people from eating a tomatoe. As incredible as this might appear to you. The majority at large of the people on this planet need to keep themselves from traveling a distance larger than what they can travel on foot. A still larger portion of people has to pay an enormous price to transport either themselves or the things they need to transport. But we are used to that, and that is why we no longer realize how excessively expensive it is for us. Why does it have to be like that? Because the available technology we can use does not leave us another option. But by the "available technology" I mean not the "only existing technology". By available technology I mean the technology which we are allowed to use. The technologies to produce unexpensive tomatoes, and to drive vehicles with water, and to transport things by air as "UFO's" do, or to obtain electical energy directly from our environment, and many other things, already do exist. They exist since several decades ago, if not hundreds of years. But, where is all of that?, you might wonder. The answer is simple: shelved. Clipped inside a lost binder collecting dust at some forgotten place. Conveniently passing unnoticed in favor of a handful of individuals which by several reasons, all of them foreign to the interests of those to whom these technologies will benefit, keep them in such a state. Nevertheless, those technologies I speak about, contrary to what we suppose, are being developed simultaneously in home shops, in backyards, in oily garages, by normal men like you an me -well, I am not that normal, so don't count me in. Those technologies are being developed by people who work eight hours a day or more and who, after getting home all tired and exhausted, have the temper and discipline to read, to weld, to connect one thing with the other just to see what happens. Those much needed technologies are being developed, and have allways been developed, by people which are different only in their will power which keeps their spirit up even after not finding anything useful after a series of some thousands of seemingly unfruitful tests. Those technologies are being born with meager budgets, and with money that is allways scarce, as yours, or mine -specially mine-, with whatever they find in the trash, with simple parts bought in the grocery store next block, with used and worn out tools, with education which rarely reaches college level. Those new and so necessary technologies, which are challenging status quo of science and established engineering, are discovering new physical principles since the ones we have are not sufficient, are over due, are incomplete, are erroneous. If not, just take look at "Los misterios y mitos del calor". In that article one gets to see that history is made by normal men like you -I did not include myself this time. Bibliographical notes at the end of the article remark this aspect. Well, but, what can I do?, you might humbly wonder. Much. You can do much. It is a matter of resolving yourself to do it. Everyone who has read this magazine is an intelligent person. Everybody who has read the magazine is able to do much to change our reality and make it a better one, not so much for our descendants but for ourselves. If research is not your thing, you can at least pass on the voice hoping it reaches some's ears who will do something practical about it. Everything counts. We are all important. All of us! I, myself, have to thank many people who in some way or another have contributed, either knowingly or not, to me doing this that I am doing, and part of that is to be here sharing this message hoping it is more of us each time who dedicate ourselves to develop these new technologies and take them to the people who needs them. Let's consider ourselves, then, each one of us, indispensably important in the whole we are part of, and let's accept that great changes come upon the will of many, but only when the multiple wills of those many unite to form one single and harmonious will, in favor of all the others.